Louisiana Profile
Origin of the Name: Robert de LaSalle, an early French explorer, named
Louisiana for the King of France, Louis XIV.
Nickname: "The Pelican State"
Admitted into the Union: April 30, 1812
State Colors: Gold, White and Blue
State Gemstone: Agate
State Fossil: Petrified Palmwood
State Motto: "Union, Justice and Confidence"
Land Area: 43,566 square miles
The State Capitol: Baton Rouge
Climate: |
Semitropical |
Average yearly temperature is 67.4° F. |
The coldest month is January (average temperature 50.7° F.) |
July and August are the hottest months (average temperature 82° F.) |
Average yearly rainfall is 55.45 inches |
Products: | ||
Agricultural | Minerals | Industry |
Sugarcane | Sulphur | Approx. 4,380 Manufacturing Units. |
Strawberries | Carbon Black | Nearly 1,645,919 wage and salary |
Sweet Potatoes | Gravel | workers who annual earnings are |
Rice | Salt | $10 billion. |
Cotton | Petroleum | $5 billion worth of products are |
Corn | Natural Gas | produced each year. |
Soybeans | ||
Potatoes | ||
Pecans | ||
Lumber | ||
Citrus Fruits | ||
Aquaculture | ||
Perique Tobacco |